Call center hoppers are agents that hop from one callcenter to another.  Every jump leads to the hope that the next company is where they will settle down.

Testing the waters isn’t really a bad thing, but recognize when resigning is becoming a habit.  If you find yourself in your 4th call center job within a year, then analyze if you are just having extremely bad luck, or it might be your attitude already -- chances are, it’s your attitude.

Many agents find the negative side of everything.

My uncle taught me that a career is like a seed in a plot.  Once you plant the seed, you need time for it to grow.  Once the plant is bigger, only then can you transfer it to another plot.  If you transfer a small sprout, it will never fully grow.

I personally know some call center hoppers, some are now 35 years old and they still have no stable careers.  Make constant career shifting a habit and you will go nowhere.

So here are some tips to help you avoid call center hopping.

1) Research first before getting hired
Rather than getting hired first then regretting it later, make sure you do proper research on your target company.  Go to Pinoyexchange and find discussion threads about the call center that you are eyeing.  Find people online and offline who can talk to you about your prospective workplace.  Be wary of false information, because some call center agents tend to exaggerate and give false feedback.  Putting effort in gathering information is way better than getting hired -- only to be discouraged once on the floor.

Here’s the link to PinoyExchange, log-in and look for the call center thread.

2) Set your expectations

When the final interview comes and the interviewer asks you "if there are any questions", then fire away and ask.  Ask about the salary, the schedules, the environment, growth, metrics, how cold the aircon is etc.
If you applied in a decent call center, then the HR personnel should answer your questions about the actual work.  It’s their job to answer your questions after you pass the interviews.  You can also say that you want to know because you want to find a lasting career.

If the HR refuses to give information, or answers "secret", then do not sign that contract!  That company is not being professional, and they do not care about your wellbeing.

3) Stop looking for better work
You want a job where you can be happy?  A job where you can make friends?  An easier job where you can make petiks, or where the avail time is longer?  Somewhere where you are allowed to browse Facebook, Twitter, Porn or take endless breaks?

Amazingly, these call center jobs do exist -- but if you chase after them all the time, then what does that say about your character?  A Job is something that was never meant to be easy.  You work to make money…period!  You don’t go to work to have fun or make friends.

People who do nothing but seek easy and fun careers are often poor.

4) Aim for maturity and discipline
No working conditions are perfect, but if you find that the work is something you can live with – then go for it! You will learn discipline and maturity when you face challenges. It may be hard, but overcoming hardships builds you up as a person.

5) Easy call centers = No stability
A call center account with little calls and little work will close down after a while (no callers = no customers = no job).  Call centers that just let you browse during work hours leads way to unproductivity.  A lasting account imposes discipline to its agents.  This is because they want their clients to stay, and be impressed with their work ethics.  I have been in the same account for 3 years and we have no browsing policies and strict attendance and metrics.  The job may be hard – but at least I still have one.

6) Know when to Quit
Quitting is not bad -- just make sure you are quitting for the right reasons.  There are a lot of bad call centers out there -- I did suggest that you research first before signing that final contract.

If you're really are stuck in a career where you cry every single day and regret coming to work, then write that resignation letter.

But do remember, that there is a thin line between nag-iinarte ka lang and the job is really bad.  If qutting is becoming a habit, then chances are nag-iinarte ka nga.

You only quit when:
1) There is no possible growth or the compensation is really bad.
2) The bosses are evil to the extent that they will personally harass you.
3) The company does not follow the labor code.
4) The environment will damage your health and mental well being.

Any other tips you can think of?

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